Monday, June 1, 2015

3rd and 4th Grade End of Year

This week is our Workles Auction and Movie Day for 3rd and 4th Grades.  Your child should have brought home a letter about each.  Just in case they didn't, I have posted copies of the letters here.  The letters explain the requirements to participate in the Auction and the Movie.

4th Graders will need to be prepared on Tuesday, June 2nd.
3rd Graders will need to be prepared on Wednesday, June 3rd.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

3rd Grade Movie Permission Slip

3rd Grade Silent Auction

4th Grade Movie Permission Slip

4th Grade Silent Auction

There will also be lunch in the classroom for those students who mastered 100% on their Khan Academy.

I look forward to a fun time with the students.

Friday, May 29, 2015


This week was our last week of Kinder GT.  We had so much fun.  We took off our shoes and socks and painted Jackson Pollock style!  It was messy and beautiful!  After we finished our masterpieces, we cleaned up ALLL the paint off the floor, then got something from the treasure box.  What a great ending!  I wish these sweet kiddos the best as they move up next year and hope to hear wonderful news of their accomplishments.  Enjoy the pictures of our fun!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Last Week of Home Extension Work - All Grades

This will be the last week of regular GT classes.  Below are the expectations for each grade level.

  • 4th Grade - Students will come on Tuesday, 5/26/2015 - Students should have finished their book Bridge to Terabithia in order to watch the movie in class the last week of school.  Students should be working on achieving 100% mastery on 4th Grade Khan Academy in order to eat lunch in the classroom the last week of school.   
  • 3rd Grade - Students will come on Wednesday, 5/27/2015 - Students should have finished their book Night of the Twisters in order to watch the movie in class the last week of school.  Students should be working on achieving 100% mastery on 3rd Grade Khan Academy in order to eat lunch in the classroom the last week of school. Students should have shown you the Silent Auction paper for the last week of school.
  • 2nd Grade -  Students should be working on achieving 100% mastery on Early Math Session of Khan Academy in order to eat lunch in the classroom the last week of school.
  • 1st Grade -  Students should be working on achieving 50% mastery on Early Math Session of Khan Academy in order to eat lunch in the classroom the last week of school. 
  • Kindergarten - Please watch the video below to learn about Jackson Pollock and action painting.  We will be doing action painting in class this week.  Please be sure to dress your child in clothes you don't mind getting dirty.  Mrs.  Bunnell's class will come on Thursday, 5/28 and the other classes will come on Friday 5/29.  

Saturday, May 9, 2015

GT Expo Projects and Next Week's Classes Info - All Grades

Good morning,

Thanks to everyone who supported us last night.  The kids love telling what they learned and it's great practice for their public speaking skills.  I will get the pictures posted next week.

For next week, I'd like each student and their family to write a small reflection of their Expo experience.  You can post it on our facebook, email it to me, write it down, or however you want.  Please feel free to share whatever comes to your mind, but if you are feeling stuck, here are a few questions to prompt you and your child.  I'd like to hear from students and parents.  Reflection is a great tool!

  • What did you enjoy the most about the Expo?
  • What was the hardest part for you?
  • How will this experience help your child in the future?
  • If you had more time, what would you have done differently?
Third and fourth grade students should be finished with their books by the week of May 18 so be sure you are reading.  1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders should also be working on reaching their Khan Academy goals.  Kinder students, we are learning about our last author next week.  I will post your video homework soon!

Classes Next Week:

Kindergarten:  Bunnell on Thursday; All others on Friday
1st Grade - Monday
2nd Grade - Garcia & Soto on Monday; Jenkins & Richie on Wednesday
3rd Grade - Wednesday
4th Grade - Tuesday

Here at the links to your children's projects that are posted online.  There are three or four projects that we will have to post from school.


Mrs. Pogue's You Tube Channel

Each grade level has it's own play list to make finding your child's project easier.  Right now all videos are public.  If you would like me to change your child's work to unlisted (where only people with the link can access it), please let me know.

1st and 2nd Grade Slide Shows - Over the next couple of weeks, we will make their slide shows into videos

If your child is in 3rd or 4th grade and they did a google slide show, they have access to their slide show in their google drive.  I am also going to help them turn their slide shows into videos.  I think this adds an extra bit of creativity and personality to the slide shows, as well as another skill learned.

Monday, May 4, 2015

GT Expo This Friday Night May 8, 2015 6:30 pm - All Grade Levels

This Friday night is our annual GT Expo.  Students need to be in the cafeteria at 6:15 wearing their best school clothes and/or church clothes.  Third and fourth grade students may also dress in costume for  their Genius Hour project if they would like.  For example, if they researched being a veterinarian, they can dress the part of a veterinarian.  I would like all of the students to be in their places before the parents and guests enter the cafeteria.

The purpose of the GT Expo is for students to get to show off their work and practice their public speaking skills.  Please make time to talk to as many students as possible.  They have all worked hard.

At 7:00 pm, I will be calling students by grade level for their snacks.  At the conclusion of the evening, you may take your student's projects home.

As usual, I would like some families to volunteer.  Here are the shifts available:

Set up 3:30 - 5:30 (2-3 families needed)
Serve Snacks 7:00 - 7:30 (4 adult volunteers needed)
Clean Up  ((2-3 families needed)

Please let me know if you can help.  If you have teen age children who would like to volunteer for service hours, I would welcome their help, too.

Thank you so much and feel free to email me with any questions you may have.

Friday, April 24, 2015

3rd & 4th Grade News & Home Learning

Third and fourth grade students were given a book to read today for GT class.  The book needs to be finished by Monday, May 18th.  Third grade is reading Night of the Twisters  and fourth grade is reading Bridge to Terabithia.

Students should also be working on achieving mastery of all their grade level skills on Khan Academy.  I will be hosting lunch in my classroom again for those students who reach that goal.  Lunch will be the week of May 26.

The next two weeks we will be busy finishing up Expo projects.  Please be sure your child has everything they need.

Have a great weekend!

Kinder Homework for 4/30 or 5/1 Jean Hans Arp - Abstract Artist

Jean Hans Arp - Dada Artist

Click on the article below to read about Jean Hans Arp.

Click here to read about Jean Hans Arp

When you are finished, watch the short video on creating Dada Art.

Watch the video to learn how to do DaDa art, then answer the question below.

What do you think about Jean Hans Arp style of art?  Do you like it or not?  Please explain why.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Kindergarten Sculpture Homework

Kindergarten Sculpture Homework!

Click Play below to watch the Haiku Deck on Sculpture.  After you watch the Haiku Deck,  write down how sculpture is different from the other art we have studied.  Your parents can record your observations for you.

Sculpture - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Grade Level Updates Grades 1-4

This week is STAAR testing so our schedule will not be normal.  I will be getting students when I can and when it works with their classroom teachers.  Here is an update of what is going on in your child's grade level:

1st Grade:  At home, Students should be working towards 50% mastery of Khan Academy skills for Early math.  At school, we are working on our projects for the GT Expo.  We are doing all of our work in class.   Thank you for helping get the research completed at home.

2nd Grade:  At home, Students should be working towards 100% mastery of Khan Academy skills for Early math.  At school, we are working on our projects for the GT Expo.  We are doing all of our work in class.   Thank you for helping get the research completed at home.

3rd  Grade:  At home, Students should be working towards 100% mastery of Khan Academy skills for 3rd Grade.  We also made plans for GT Expo projects and some of the children need to get a few items from home.  Please ask your child about his or her plan.  We will work on projects in class, but students will need supplies by Monday, April 27th.

4th Grade:  At home, Students should be working towards 100% mastery of Khan Academy skills for 4th Grade.  At school, we are working on our projects for the GT Expo.  Most students have been coming to the GT classroom every spare moment they have.  Please check with your kiddo on their progress.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Kindergarten Homework Video - George Seurat for 4/16 & 41/7

Learn about Georges Seurat!!

Kindergarten Homework:  Click here to learn about Pointillism with George Seurat.  This link will take you to an article.  You do NOT have to read the entire article.  Read the first caption and watch the video.

After watching the video, reflect on what you learned by doing the following:

1.  What is something interesting you learned about artist, Georges Seurat?
2.  Write your name using pointillism below.

Have fun, let me know if I can help!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Kinder Work for 4/9 or 4/10

I apologize for this coming out late, but STAAR Testing is upon us!  

This week in class we will begin learning about famous artists.  Our first artist is Piet Mondrian.  

First, click on the link below and read a short bio on Mondrian and do the activity that follows below on this blog:

Answer the following questions.  You may record your child's answers for them.

1.  What is the most interesting thing you learned about the artist, Piet Mondrian?  

2.  Look at the images below of Mondrian's work:

What observations can you make about this art using the art terms we have learned (realistic, abstract, primary colors, secondary colors)?

3.  Do you like this art?  Why or why not?

Friday, March 27, 2015

Week of March 30 - All Grade Levels

Next week, ALL grade levels will come to class on Wednesday, April 1st.  Below you will see your student's time as well as what they need to do to be prepared for class:

  • Kindergarten:  We will have class at 9:00 am.  We will be playing a game to reinforce abstract and realistic art as well as primary and secondary colors.  Your child will enjoy the game more if they can recognize the words ABSTRACT, REALISTIC, PRIMARY, AND SECONDARY.   For review, you can go back to previous kinder blogs to see the video on primary colors and look at abstract and realistic art.  The following week, we will be moving on to learning about specific artists, and their techniques.
  • 1st Grade:  We will have class at 10:00 am.  Students will be typing their work that we did on their contienents this past week.  
  • 2nd  Grade:  We will have class at 12:30 pm.  Students will be typing their work that we did on their contienents this past week.  If your child was not prepared last week, they are behind.
  • 3rd Grade:  We will have class at 8:00 am.  Students need to be thinking about the best way to present their information so we can begin planning.  Talk to them about what they can create to show what they've learned from their genius hour.  We will be doing as much as possible in class, but it is helpful if you discuss some ideas at home.  
  • 4th Grade  We will have class at 1:30 pm.  Students who have started their genius hour products will work on those.  Students who have not started their products will be making their plans.  Ask your child what stage of the process they are in.  I'm super excited that everyone completed their research charts and is ready to get started.
As usual, please let me know if you have any questions about assignments.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Friday, March 20, 2015

Kinder Enrichment for Week of 3/23

Bunnel's Class -Thursday March  26
Todish, Arnold, Finch, & Masters - Friday, March 27

I thoroughly enjoyed our discussions about realistic and abstract art.  We will continue with this topic during the upcoming week.  We will be applying our knowledge by turning our realistic tree into an abstract drawing.

To continue reinforcing our vocabulary, please discuss the following pieces of art with your child and help them determine if they are abstract or realistic.  You can also discuss the primary and secondary colors you see in the pictures to reinforce the lesson from a few weeks ago.  Students do not need to write anything for this discussion, but a writing reflection is listed below the pictures.

Reflection Question:  
Do you like realistic or abstract art better?  Tell why.  (parents can record their child's response)

Have fun!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

3rd and 4th Grade Genius Hour Projects due week of March 23

I need all students to have their research charts on their google drives completed by their class day the week of March 23rd.  Some students are almost finished, others will need to work a lot this week in order to get finished.  If your student was one of the ones that need a lot of work, I helped him or her find reliable sources and there are links copied in their research chart so all they have to do is click the links, read the articles, and type in the answers to the questions.  They shouldn't have to go to any other search engines.  Students who have trouble with internet access may ask to have their research chart and sources printed out so they can hand write at home, they may come after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays to work, and/or they may stay in during their recess time to research.  In order to finish our products, this research must be completed next week.  We will start working on the technology project and the visual in class.  They cannot do either of these pieces without their research completed.

Here is a general timeline:

At Home:  Research Complete by their class day the week of March 23rd
At School:  Work on Technology Projects - weeks of 3/23, 3/30, 4/6
At Home:  Plan for the visual project and gather supplies (more information coming next week)
At School:  Work on visuals - weeks of 4/6, 4/13, and 4/20

Please let me know if you have any questions and how I can help.

Leprechaun Traps - 4th Grade Integrated Reading and Writing Lesson

Today we are going to create a Leprechaun Trap.  What is a Leprechaun trap you ask?  Let's start off by reading a story about one.

Read About It

Discussion Questions

Do you think you can create a Leprechaun Trap? or will the Leprechaun trap you?

Make a plan for your trap and write an expository paper on how to trap a Leprechaun.  Even though your paper is expository, it doesn't have to be completely true :)

Monday, March 16, 2015

Kindergarten Home Enrichment due March 19th or March 20th

Bunnell's Class should be prepared for class on Thursday, March 19th.
Finch, Masters, Todish, and Arnold's classes should be prepared for class on Friday, March 20th.

Look at the following paintings.  Observe carefully.  With your family, write down three similarities and three differences between the two paintings.  (three observations that are alike and three observations that are different.

Read the two definitions below.  With your family discuss which of these paintings is abstract and which is realistic.  Be prepared to tell what you think.

Abstract art is a style of art that is not realistic.  Unusual lines, colors, and shapes make the subject look unrealistic.  It is often characterized by the use of geometric lines and shapes and bold, bright colors.

Realistic art shows something, such as a person or a scene, as it might really look.

I can't wait to dig deeper into abstract and realistic art in class.

1st Grade Texas Performance Standards Project

It's research time!! We will be using our background knowledge on the seven continents to begin our yearly research assignment.  The Research on the continent will come first before the end product.

Each second grade student has a page protector in their binder with a research chart and at least three internet sources to use for research. The research chart needs to be completed AT HOME the Week of March 23, 2015 before they come to class. They have each chosen ONE of the seven continents to investigate further. When researching, I would like the students to use the sources I gave them first, THEN, I would like you to help your child find at least ONE, non-internet source - a book, a magazine article, an interview, brochure, etc. Students may NOT use WIKEPEDIA as a source.

I hope this is enough information for you to guide your child at home.  Remember this is not a dissertation or thesis paper.  It is an introduction to research and independent study and I expect 1st and 2nd grade quality work, so I don’t want you stressing about the final product or the research project.  I try not to put too much “at home” work on you so as to not conflict with other homework and/or outside school activities.  It is just impossible for me to help the kids with independent research when they are all doing a different topic.

Please let me now if you have any questions.  I am here to help.  Feel free to call or email me.
I hope this is enough information for you to guide your child at home.  Remember this is not a dissertation or thesis paper.  It is an introduction to research and independent study and I expect 1st and 2nd grade quality work, so I don’t want you stressing about the final product or the research project.  I try not to put too much “at home” work on you so as to not conflict with other homework and/or outside school activities.  It is just impossible for me to help the kids with independent research when they are all doing a different topic.
For your convenience, I have also included a link to a copy of the Research chart in case you should need another one. Please let me now if you have any questions.  I am here to help.  Feel free to call or email me.

Lisa Pogue

Copy of Research Chart

Second Grade Performance Standards Project

It's research time!! We will be using our background knowledge on the seven continents to begin our yearly research assignment.  The Research on the continent will come first before the end product.

Each second grade student has a page protector in their binder with a research chart and at least three internet sources to use for research. The research chart needs to be completed AT HOME the Week of March 23, 2015 before they come to class. They have each chosen ONE of the seven continents to investigate further. When researching, I would like the students to use the sources I gave them first, THEN, I would like you to help your child find at least ONE, non-internet source - a book, a magazine article, an interview, brochure, etc. Students may NOT use WIKEPEDIA as a source.

Second grade students have also copied links to their sources in digital form in our class google drive account. By having these links, your student can click on links, videos, pictures, etc from their internet source. I will send out the login and password via Remind as I don't want to publish it publicly. If you do not receive my Remind messages, please email me so we can get you signed up. Each student has a folder in the drive to share their work.

I hope this is enough information for you to guide your child at home.  Remember this is not a dissertation or thesis paper.  It is an introduction to research and independent study and I expect 1st and 2nd grade quality work, so I don’t want you stressing about the final product or the research project.  I try not to put too much “at home” work on you so as to not conflict with other homework and/or outside school activities.  It is just impossible for me to help the kids with independent research when they are all doing a different topic.

Please let me now if you have any questions.  I am here to help.  Feel free to call or email me.
I hope this is enough information for you to guide your child at home.  Remember this is not a dissertation or thesis paper.  It is an introduction to research and independent study and I expect 1st and 2nd grade quality work, so I don’t want you stressing about the final product or the research project.  I try not to put too much “at home” work on you so as to not conflict with other homework and/or outside school activities.  It is just impossible for me to help the kids with independent research when they are all doing a different topic.
For your convenience, I have also included a link to a copy of the Research chart in case you should need another one. Please let me now if you have any questions.  I am here to help.  Feel free to call or email me.

Lisa Pogue

Copy of Research Chart

4th Grade Challenge Math: Would You Rather

Would You Rather…

WYR - Lightbulbs (1)
Buy a fancy 5-year eco-lightbulb for $9.79?
Or pay 70 cents per lightbulb, but replace them every 5 months?
Whichever answer you choose, please justify your reasoning using mathematics using the Would You Rather Template.  Be sure to copy the template and rename it Would You Rather.Your Name.  You need to also ensure that your assignment is in the folder that is Shared with Mrs. Pogue.  If you do not have this folder set up, please let me know so I can help you.

Monday, March 2, 2015

4th Grade Classwork for March 3rd

What is Pi?

Pi Day Infographic

History of Pi

Check this out:

Miles of Pi

Why do you think they chose the Number Pi out of all the numbers in the world?

Is every possible number, no matter how big, found somewhere in the infinite digits of Pi?

How about learning Pilish?

Try your hand at Pilish poetry

Friday, February 27, 2015

Kindergarten Primary Colors Homework for Week of March 2nd

In GT class, we do a lot of flipping!   This means that students will watch a content video at home and come to school and share what you learned.  It is very important that your student watches these videos so they come to school prepared for class discussion

If your student is unable to watch this video at home, you may schedule a time to watch the video during recess, during small group time, and/or after school.  Just please be sure to make arrangements before your GT class time next week.

Kindergarten Students, Here is your first homework video.

Have fun watching this video about primary colors.  Be prepared to share with the class what you learned about primary colors.   I look forward to hearing about what you learn next week!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

1st Grade for Week of March 2nd

First Grade Schedule:

Mondays at 9:30

Due when your student comes to class next week: Colored map of the Earth with Continents and Oceans labeled.  Most students finished coloring and labeling these in class.  At home, I would like each student to write one fact about each continent on the back of the map.  If your child is having trouble remembering a fact, you can direct them to the following link.  There is a link to each continent on this website.   Students who bring the completed map to class next week will get to play a game.

In addition, students need to think of a continent that they would like to research for their Texas Performance Standards Project.  Please have them write their top three continents to research in their journal.

Let me know if you have any questions and/or concerns.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

3rd Grade for the Week of March 2

For Wednesday, March 4

Students have an informative text reading response to finish  before next class period.  Some students were able to finish in class.  Students may complete their work in their google drive or on paper.  Students who chose to use paper have a copy of everything they need in their binders.  Students who are working in their google drive have started their document.

For your information here is the assignment:

Today we will read poetry and informational text about Abraham Lincoln.  

After reading the previous texts, please respond using the 3-2-1 Response located here.

Students who come to class with this assignment finished will get to play a game.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

4th Grade for the Week of March 2

Please have your fourth grade student spend at least thirty minutes, but hopefully an hour, on their research chart for their Genius Hour project.  They should have a chart in their Google Drive. Some students have already completed their chart and are working on their project plan.  We have been working on this in class.  I am encouring the children to dig deeper into their topic so they learn significant information and not just surface level facts.  Of course each child's topic is different and the depth and complexity of the topic also varies.  They should complete their time on their research chart by Tuesday, March 3rd.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

2nd Grade Work for Week of March 2nd

Second Grade Schedule:

Garcia and Soto meet on Mondays
Jenkins and Richie meet on Wednesdays

Due when your student comes to class next week: Colored map of the Earth with Continents and Oceans labeled.  Students should also write one fact about each continent on the back of the map.  If your child is having trouble remembering a fact, you can direct them to the following link.  There is a link to each continent on this website.  Some students finished this assignment in class and do not have it for homework.  Students who bring the completed map to class next week will get to play a game.

In addition, students need to think of a continent that they would like to research for their Texas Performance Standards Project.  Please have them write their top three continents to research in their journal.

Let me know if you have any questions and/or concerns.

Have a great week!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

3rd Grade Learning about Ruby Bridges

Since February is African American History Month, I decided we would learn about a young girl named Ruby Bridges.

Click here for the Informational Text that I found.

We are going to uses these codes as we read.  Only we are going to use Post-it Notes since we are reading on our iPads.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Reading About Recycling

Today you're going to participate in a literature circle using an informative text.  You are going to learn to think about your text through coding.  Here are the codes we will use today:

However, instead of a pencil, you are going to use post-it notes.  Write the codes on your post-it note and attach it to the page you are reading.

1.  Before reading:  Talk to your group about your predicitions for the information that will be in the book.  Also talk to your group about what background information you already have about the topic of the book.
2.  During Reading:  Use the post-it notes and codes as you read.
3.  After Reading:  Come back to the group and share your post its.
4.  Respond to the following 1-2-3-4 Non Fiction Response:
  • What is the ONE big idea of text? (the big idea should be supported throughout the book.)
  • What are TWO conclusions you can make about recycling from reading this text?  Cite your evidence from the text.
  • Does the author think recycling is important?  How do you know?  Cite at least THREE proofs from the text that support your conclusion.
  • What are FOUR new facts that you learned about recycling from reading this book?

Would You Rather . . .

Let's put on our thinking caps and solve some fun math problems.

Click here  to get started.  Be sure to show your math work.  Your work may be math problems or it may be mathematical language.  You also need to cite your sources showing where you got your information.

Have fun!

Monday, February 16, 2015

4th Grade Classwork 2.17


Today we are going to work on classifying quadrilaterals using parallel and perpendicular lines and angles.

Instead of drawing the shapes on geoboard paper, I would like you to take a picture of the items with your iPads.  You will use the pictures to create a Haiku Deck to define the quadrilaterals you created.  Use  definition of quadrilaterals if you need to.

When you finish the quadrilateral project, then choose one of the following "Would You Rather" math problems.  You will need to do some research no matter which problem you choose.  You will also need to justify your answer using mathematical language.

Let me know when you finish and we will see what's next!


Today we will read poetry and informational text about Abraham Lincoln.  

After we read and discuss the text, we are going to write questions for each other to answer and justify using evidence from the text.  We will use this type of graphic organizer to organize our thoughts.  non-fiction graphic organizer

Monday, February 9, 2015

More About Australia

Today we will be learning more about special characteristics of Australia.  We will also be working on being independent learners.

Click on the link below to access Wonderopolis and learn about the Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef

Please do the following when you get to the article:

  1. Read or listen to the article about the Great Barrier Reef
  2. Take the quick quiz on the article
  3. Watch the video
  4. Click on the Wonder Words to learn their meanings
After you finish the Wonderopolis Activity,  go to a computer to finish your Tagxedo Word cloud.

If a computer is full, then play the game that is at your table.  Once everyone is finished, we might switch activities.

Have fun and happy learning!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

3rd Grade Learning for Week of February 2, 2015

This week I have a challenge for you.  I would like you to respond to this challenge in our journal.  It is important and fairly simple.  I'm looking for 100% participation.

  • Think about your Genius Hour project.  Did you choose a topic you are TRULY passionate about?  If you are TRULY passionate about this project, then you would want to read and learn about it all the time, even without being asked to.  Write a journal reflection on your Genius Hour topic considering if you LOVE this idea or not.  It is still ok to change.  Really think about what your passion is.  Your reflection should be at least one paragraph and should tell your honest feelings about your topic.  We will be discussing this in class
Due Dates:
  • Friday, 2/6/15
Have fun!  Learn Lots!  Grow Dendrites!  Be Proactive!

4th Grade Learning Extension for Week of February 2, 2015

This week I have two challenges for you.  I would like you to respond to these challenges in our journal.  These are both important and fairly simple.  I'm looking for 100% participation.

  • Think about your Genius Hour project.  Did you choose a topic you are TRULY passionate about?  If you are TRULY passionate about this project, then you would want to read and learn about it all the time, even without being asked to.  Write a journal reflection on your Genius Hour topic considering if you LOVE this idea or not.  It is still ok to change.  Really think about what your passion is.  Your reflection should be at least one paragraph and should tell your honest feelings about your topic.  We will be discussing this in class.
  • Please bring to class a motivational quote for our Quotable Quotes wall.  Talk with your family.  Maybe your family has a saying.  Write your quote in your journal and it's source.  For example.  
    • You have brains in your head.  You have feet in your shoes.  You can steer yourself any direction you choose. - Dr. Seuss
  • After you write down your quote, write a short explanation of why you think your quote would be good for our Quotable Quotes wall.
Due Dates:
  • Mrs. Martinez' Class is due on Thursday 2/5/15
  • Mrs. Padgett and Mrs. Montgomery's class is due on Friday 2/6/15
I would recommend doing your assignments early so you don't have to worry about it next week on mock testing days.

Have fun!  Learn Lots!  Grow Dendrites!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

3rd Grade Classwork

I'm so glad that you are here today!

Today we will be:
  • Practicing our fluency in writing
  • Creating a word cloud using TagXedo
  • Working on our Genius Hour Projects
We will be busy and I need you to be ON TASK!  and help each other!

When you arrive, please get your iPad.  On a new google document in your google drive, please type ten adjectives that describe you.  Think Character Traits.  These should be adjectives, not nouns.  It would also be beneficial to use a thesaurus to come up with powerful words.  If your parents responded to the survey, Mrs. Pogue will give you another word.  On your list, you should also type your name.

When you are finished typing your list, you will need to go to a computer.  On the computer, you will need to get on your google drive, look in your shared folder for the Tagxedo document, open it, and follow the directions.

Have fun!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

4th Grade Classwork

Welcome back to GT class!  I've missed you all so much!

Today we will be:

  • Checking our Math GPS 46
  • Exploring measurment reasonableness
  • Learn to do measurement conversions
  • Creating a word cloud using TagXedo
  • Working on our Genius Hour Projects
We will be busy and I need you to be ON TASK!  and help each other!

When you arrive, please get your iPad.  On a new google document in your google drive, please type ten adjectives that describe you.  Think Character Traits.  If your parents responded to the survey, Mrs. Pogue will give you another word.  On your list, also type your name.

When you are finished typing your list, you will need to go to a computer.  On the computer, you will need to get on your google drive, look in your shared folder for the Tagxedo document, open it, and follow the directions.

I will be calling you in small groups to work on math.  We will also play Kahoot to check your GPS work.

Monday, January 26, 2015

What is the Outback? Learning Extension for 1st and 2nd Grade

This World of Connections Learning Extension is for FAMILIES!  Have fun!

First grade students need to have this extension completed by Monday, February 2.
Second grade students need to have this extension completed by Thursday, February 5.

Next week in GT class, we will be learning about the continent of Australia.  To prepare the children with some background information, please have fun with the following critical thinking activity.

First you will need to learn some interesting facts about the outback in Australia.  You can find some information by clicking on this link:  The Outback in Australia.  As a family, read and discuss the Outback with your child.

Next, you will need to solve this dilemma using your critical thinking skills:

You are traveling in a desolate part of the outback in Australia.  You are on your way to an educational symposium when your plane crashes.  You are three days away from an airfield.  There is no chance of making the symposium on time.  Your best bet is to start walking as you won't survive staying where you are.  Take inventory of your items to determine what is important to take and what is not.  You may only take FIVE things with you.  Remember it is a three day trip!

Here are your supplies:

  • 1 partial box of saltine crackers
  • 2 cans of beef stew
  • 4 bruised apples
  • 6 litres of water
  • 1 can pork and beans
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 500 grams of coffee
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 1 first aid kit
  • Map of Australia
  • Candles
  • 6 damp matches
  • Rope
  • Tents/sleeping bags
  • Pots and Pans
Remember you may only take FIVE of your items with you.  In your journal, draw you five items and be prepared to explain why you chose those items.  

Have fun and have interesting problem-solving discussions.

Parents, please complete the following form so I have your feedback:  Parent Feedback

Enjoy and as usual, please let me know if you have any questions and/or concerns.  It was sooo good to be back in class this week!


This week, we are going to create word clouds with a new app I learned about this weekend at EdCamp Rockwall.  It's called Tagxedo.  I'm super excited about my students using it for the first time.

Click here to get to Tagxedo and create your word cloud.