Friday, October 31, 2014

Sharing More Student Work

Check out our second grade chatterpix videos.  They shared information about a famous landmark in Europe!  Enjoy!

Storybook Character Day at Scott Elementary School

What a fun, fun day at school!  We had our first Storybook Character Day.  We encouraged our students to dress up as their favorite storybook character and bring the book with them.  The teachers dressed up, the office staff dressed up, our central administration staff came over in costume, and even our custodian and cafeteria workers dressed up!  The morning began with a storybook character parade.  Throughout the day select students have been awarded free books by random raffle drawings and we have mystery readers coming to read a book to each grade level. The classrooms are full of engaging activities involving the books the students brought to school.  Super fun!  I thought you all might enjoy some pictures of this exciting day at school.

In the Fourth grade pod, we dressed up as the Herdmans, the notorious and mischievous characters from Barbara Robinson's books, The Best School Year Ever, The Best Halloween Ever, and The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.  I'm the youngest sister, Gladys, wearing my sign that says "Beware of Gladys" because I bite - teehee!  

Fourth Grade students listening to Mr. Worthy, our superintendent read Duck for President.  He was their mystery reader.

 Our group with Superintendent Kevin Worthy, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, Julia Robinson, and Instructional Technology Coordinator, Zach Snow.

Fourth grade GT Students in Character

Mrs. Robinson reading Miss Smith and the Haunted Library by Michael Garland.

1st Grade GT Students in Character

2nd Grade Students in Character

3rd Grade Students in Character

Encourage the love of reading one student at a time.  This is why I teach - these kids have my heart!

2nd Grade Shares What They've Learned about Africa

I wanted to share some student work this week.  I think these 2nd graders did great on their Pic Collage Infographics.

It's College & Career Research Time

Each grade level received a copy of the family college research project.  These projects are due in GT class the week of November 17th on your child's GT class day.   This is a family projects designed to give you and your child the opportunity to discuss their future plans.  Below is a link to each grade level's project.

Have fun!  Learn Lots!  Grow Dendrites!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

1st Grade for 10/30

We've learned about Africa and this upcoming week we are going to learn about the continent that is above Africa, or North of Africa.  Look at the image below and write the answers to the following two questions in your GT journal.

Thinking Question:  Please write the answer in your journal.

  1. What continent is above, or north of Africa?
  2. What is one fact you can learn about this continent just by looking at the map?
Other choices for learning this week:
  1. Write in your journal about a book that you like.
  2. See if you can clear out your mastery challenges in Khan Academy one day.
  3. Read a poem
  4. Have a positive attitude.
I can't wait to see what you learn this week.

3rd Grade for 10/29

I hope you all enjoyed our trip to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.  

In journal, write about something you learned.  Remember I want thoughtful responses that show 3rd grade GT quality sentences.  You could even illustrate your journal entry.

See you Wednesday.  Happy Learning!

4th Grade for 10/28

I hope you all enjoyed our trip to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.  

In journal, write about something you learned.  Remember I want thoughtful responses that show 4th grade GT quality sentences.

If you haven't re-responded to the a Edmodo questions on the Amazing Brain, please remember to do that as well. I want thoughtful answers not something you slap down!  You can do it!

if you have a chance respond to two of your friends blog posts on Kidblog and ask your parents to do the same.  

Can't wait to see you all on Tuesday.

2nd Grade for 10/29

Use the following link to choose a landmark in Europe that you would like to visit.  Draw a picture of the landmark and write a few sentences about why you like to see it in person. Be sure to tell what country in Europe that you would travel to in order to see that landmark.
I look forward to hearing what you learn!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Field Trip Reminders for 3rd and 4th Grade

Field Trip Reminders for Third and Fourth Grades.

Chaperones will be able to take their child home from Fort Worth.  Please email Mrs. Pogue if you have any questions about tomorrow.

Second Grade Learning Extensions for Wednesday 10/22

We've learned about Africa and this week we are going to learn about the continent that is above Africa, or North of Africa.  Look at the image below and write the answers to the following two questions in your GT journal.

Thinking Question:  Please write the answer in your journal.

  1. What continent is above, or north of Africa?
  2. What is one fact you can learn about this continent just by looking at the map?
Other choices for learning this week:
  1. Write in your journal about a book that you like.
  2. See if you can clear out your mastery challenges in Khan Academy one day.
  3. Read a poem
  4. Have a positive attitude.
I can't wait to see what you learn this week.

1st Grade Learning Extension for Thursday 10/23

This week, we enjoyed learning about Africa by reading A Country Far and Away.  Most of you decided that you didn't want to live on that continent. Before next week's class, I would like you to read and learn a little bit more about Africa.  After you read the article in the following link, I'd like you to answer the thinking question that follows.

Thinking Question:  Please write the answer in your journal.

If you could visit Africa, what would you want to see?  Please explain in detail your choices.  I'd like you to write in complete sentences so I can understand what you want to see and why.

Other choices for learning this week:
  1. Write in your journal about something fun that you did this week.  Draw a picture if you like.
  2. Master some new skills on Khan Academy.
  3. Read a good book
  4. Think about something that you worked hard on this week.  It doesn't have to be at school.
Have a great week!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

2nd Grade Legendary Learning Extensions for 10/15

This week, we enjoyed learning about Africa by reading A Country Far and Away.  Most of you decided that you didn't want to live on that continent. Before next week's class, I would like you to read and learn a little bit more about Africa.  After you read the article in the following link, I'd like you to answer the thinking question that follows.

Thinking Question:  Please write the answer in your journal.

If you could visit Africa, what would you want to see?  Please explain in detail your choices.  I'd like you to write in complete sentences so I can understand what you want to see and why.

Other choices for learning this week:
  1. Write in your journal about something fun that you did this week.  Draw a picture if you like.
  2. Master some new skills on Khan Academy.
  3. Read a good book
  4. Think about something that you worked hard on this week.  It doesn't have to be at school.
Have a great week!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

4th Grade Legendary Learning Extensions for 10/14

Hi there,  I am super excited about you will learn from this video! But be forewarned, you WILL learn new words, it MIGHT be a little bit challenging, but I KNOW that if you pay attention and pause and rewind as you need to, you WILL learn something about YOUR amazing brain!  And let's face it, you are amazing too!   Be sure to read the entire blog so you know what I expect of you this week.  Can you be a legendary learner this week?

While watching this video, I want you to be able to answer the question:  Why is learning important?  I would also like you to identify at LEAST three new words that you learned.  I also have a reflection question at the end of the video.

1.  Visit your Edmodo account to respond to this video.  Remember you can pause and rewind a video.  That is the beauty of it for learning!  If you don't hear it the first time, you can listen to it again.
2.  Khan Academy Challenge:  Get all of your recommended lessons done and master at least 3 new skills.
3.  See if you can figure out how to send me an email from your email acount.  If you can, then tell me why having an email account is exciting.  Be thoughtful in your response.

Comment below in the comments section when you have watched the video and responded in Edmodo.

Have a great week!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

1st Grade Homework due Friday, 10/10

  1. In your journal, draw a picture of the continent you would like to visit.  Write a sentence telling why you would want to visit that continent.
  2. Work on Khan Academy.  How many new skills can you master?

I cant wait to hear what you have to say.

2nd Grade Homework Due Wednesday 10/8

1.  In your journal, answer the following questions.  Write your answers in complete sentences you can combine ideas if you want.
  • What street do you live on?
  • What city do you live in?
  • What state do you live in?
  • What country do you live in?
  • What continent do we live on?
2.  Work on Khan Academy.  Can you earn a new badge this week or master three new skills?

3rd Grade Homework Due Wednesday 10/8

Alright ladies and gentlemen, let's work hard this week!  I believe that you can!

  • Assignment #1 brainstorm all of the things you are passionate about and write them in your journal.  Put stars by the things you really care about.
  • Write down three multiplication problems and draw a picture to represent each one.  You can write them in your journal.  In your own words, write what it means to multiply.
  • I will be rewarding those students who get their homework done including journal writing and 30 minutes on Khan Academy.
  • Khan Academy Challenge:  Who can earn the most points this week?  Will it be you?
  • Comment below:  Tell me one thing you worked hard on this week.
  • Enjoy your four day weekend!!
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