Friday, February 27, 2015

Kindergarten Primary Colors Homework for Week of March 2nd

In GT class, we do a lot of flipping!   This means that students will watch a content video at home and come to school and share what you learned.  It is very important that your student watches these videos so they come to school prepared for class discussion

If your student is unable to watch this video at home, you may schedule a time to watch the video during recess, during small group time, and/or after school.  Just please be sure to make arrangements before your GT class time next week.

Kindergarten Students, Here is your first homework video.

Have fun watching this video about primary colors.  Be prepared to share with the class what you learned about primary colors.   I look forward to hearing about what you learn next week!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

1st Grade for Week of March 2nd

First Grade Schedule:

Mondays at 9:30

Due when your student comes to class next week: Colored map of the Earth with Continents and Oceans labeled.  Most students finished coloring and labeling these in class.  At home, I would like each student to write one fact about each continent on the back of the map.  If your child is having trouble remembering a fact, you can direct them to the following link.  There is a link to each continent on this website.   Students who bring the completed map to class next week will get to play a game.

In addition, students need to think of a continent that they would like to research for their Texas Performance Standards Project.  Please have them write their top three continents to research in their journal.

Let me know if you have any questions and/or concerns.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

3rd Grade for the Week of March 2

For Wednesday, March 4

Students have an informative text reading response to finish  before next class period.  Some students were able to finish in class.  Students may complete their work in their google drive or on paper.  Students who chose to use paper have a copy of everything they need in their binders.  Students who are working in their google drive have started their document.

For your information here is the assignment:

Today we will read poetry and informational text about Abraham Lincoln.  

After reading the previous texts, please respond using the 3-2-1 Response located here.

Students who come to class with this assignment finished will get to play a game.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

4th Grade for the Week of March 2

Please have your fourth grade student spend at least thirty minutes, but hopefully an hour, on their research chart for their Genius Hour project.  They should have a chart in their Google Drive. Some students have already completed their chart and are working on their project plan.  We have been working on this in class.  I am encouring the children to dig deeper into their topic so they learn significant information and not just surface level facts.  Of course each child's topic is different and the depth and complexity of the topic also varies.  They should complete their time on their research chart by Tuesday, March 3rd.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

2nd Grade Work for Week of March 2nd

Second Grade Schedule:

Garcia and Soto meet on Mondays
Jenkins and Richie meet on Wednesdays

Due when your student comes to class next week: Colored map of the Earth with Continents and Oceans labeled.  Students should also write one fact about each continent on the back of the map.  If your child is having trouble remembering a fact, you can direct them to the following link.  There is a link to each continent on this website.  Some students finished this assignment in class and do not have it for homework.  Students who bring the completed map to class next week will get to play a game.

In addition, students need to think of a continent that they would like to research for their Texas Performance Standards Project.  Please have them write their top three continents to research in their journal.

Let me know if you have any questions and/or concerns.

Have a great week!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

3rd Grade Learning about Ruby Bridges

Since February is African American History Month, I decided we would learn about a young girl named Ruby Bridges.

Click here for the Informational Text that I found.

We are going to uses these codes as we read.  Only we are going to use Post-it Notes since we are reading on our iPads.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Reading About Recycling

Today you're going to participate in a literature circle using an informative text.  You are going to learn to think about your text through coding.  Here are the codes we will use today:

However, instead of a pencil, you are going to use post-it notes.  Write the codes on your post-it note and attach it to the page you are reading.

1.  Before reading:  Talk to your group about your predicitions for the information that will be in the book.  Also talk to your group about what background information you already have about the topic of the book.
2.  During Reading:  Use the post-it notes and codes as you read.
3.  After Reading:  Come back to the group and share your post its.
4.  Respond to the following 1-2-3-4 Non Fiction Response:
  • What is the ONE big idea of text? (the big idea should be supported throughout the book.)
  • What are TWO conclusions you can make about recycling from reading this text?  Cite your evidence from the text.
  • Does the author think recycling is important?  How do you know?  Cite at least THREE proofs from the text that support your conclusion.
  • What are FOUR new facts that you learned about recycling from reading this book?

Would You Rather . . .

Let's put on our thinking caps and solve some fun math problems.

Click here  to get started.  Be sure to show your math work.  Your work may be math problems or it may be mathematical language.  You also need to cite your sources showing where you got your information.

Have fun!

Monday, February 16, 2015

4th Grade Classwork 2.17


Today we are going to work on classifying quadrilaterals using parallel and perpendicular lines and angles.

Instead of drawing the shapes on geoboard paper, I would like you to take a picture of the items with your iPads.  You will use the pictures to create a Haiku Deck to define the quadrilaterals you created.  Use  definition of quadrilaterals if you need to.

When you finish the quadrilateral project, then choose one of the following "Would You Rather" math problems.  You will need to do some research no matter which problem you choose.  You will also need to justify your answer using mathematical language.

Let me know when you finish and we will see what's next!


Today we will read poetry and informational text about Abraham Lincoln.  

After we read and discuss the text, we are going to write questions for each other to answer and justify using evidence from the text.  We will use this type of graphic organizer to organize our thoughts.  non-fiction graphic organizer

Monday, February 9, 2015

More About Australia

Today we will be learning more about special characteristics of Australia.  We will also be working on being independent learners.

Click on the link below to access Wonderopolis and learn about the Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef

Please do the following when you get to the article:

  1. Read or listen to the article about the Great Barrier Reef
  2. Take the quick quiz on the article
  3. Watch the video
  4. Click on the Wonder Words to learn their meanings
After you finish the Wonderopolis Activity,  go to a computer to finish your Tagxedo Word cloud.

If a computer is full, then play the game that is at your table.  Once everyone is finished, we might switch activities.

Have fun and happy learning!