Tuesday, October 7, 2014

4th Grade Legendary Learning Extensions for 10/14

Hi there,  I am super excited about you will learn from this video! But be forewarned, you WILL learn new words, it MIGHT be a little bit challenging, but I KNOW that if you pay attention and pause and rewind as you need to, you WILL learn something about YOUR amazing brain!  And let's face it, you are amazing too!   Be sure to read the entire blog so you know what I expect of you this week.  Can you be a legendary learner this week?

While watching this video, I want you to be able to answer the question:  Why is learning important?  I would also like you to identify at LEAST three new words that you learned.  I also have a reflection question at the end of the video.

1.  Visit your Edmodo account to respond to this video.  Remember you can pause and rewind a video.  That is the beauty of it for learning!  If you don't hear it the first time, you can listen to it again.
2.  Khan Academy Challenge:  Get all of your recommended lessons done and master at least 3 new skills.
3.  See if you can figure out how to send me an email from your @rcbulldogs.net email acount.  If you can, then tell me why having an email account is exciting.  Be thoughtful in your response.

Comment below in the comments section when you have watched the video and responded in Edmodo.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I have watched the video and responded on Edmodo.
